Sunday, January 25, 2009

More Herb Drawings

Our old cat Herb was one of the few cats that actually stayed still long enough for me to capture any meaningful sketches from life.

She was a good cat. Very large and very gentle. She was a sweetie-pie.

I've shared a painting and another sketch of her in past posts and I'll share more with the next post.

And if you love animals and can't get enough of them in all their forms, check out my friend Laura's blog, Purple Rose Musings, for her Wednesday updates from Raven's World.


Kim said...

Thanks Herb for posing for such great sketches. On another note, your counter looks even better in person.

Divaeva said...

Indeed - counter is wonderful and love the colors!

Laura Rose said...

your sketches really capture her gentleness of spirit! Thanks for the mention (raven thanks you too!)

missknits said...

these are just beautiful!